Web-Site / Page Creation Services

Woody prefers leasing his Web-Space from Highway Technologies. (This page is on one of Highway Technology's servers!)
He likes the features they offer at a reasonable price. The minimum contract time is three months. There is a onetime setup fee, and a fee to register your own Domain Name, if you want one. Contact Woody
via E-mail, for more information.
Check out other Web-Sites Woody has designed and maintains:

Woody uses many resources in the creation of a Web-Site, but one of his favorite HTML editors is Hot Dog Pro. Woody reserves the right to use whatever resources are the best for the project.
Woody builds custom Web-Sites / Pages at a very reasonable cost, and in a minimal amount of time. If you want an estimate on cost for Woody to custom build a Web-Site / Page, use the E-mail FORM Woody
created to obtain the minimum information he needs to give you a rough estimate.
Web-Site / Page Estimate FORM